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After two years, we are finally hosting a photography workshop again. This time, the workshop will include 3 guided live shoots (including a night shoot), a film photography demonstration, a cinematography demonstration, a darkroom experience, how to style for photography, and covering team culture and management. However, this time post-production and colour correction will not be included. Both film and digital photographers are welcome.

The workshop is open to photographers from all countries, and the number of places is limited. After filling out the registration link, we will send an email confirming the successful registration within 5 working days.

For overseas participants, we will provide all details on arriving in Malaysia or Singapore, the route to our studio, accommodation suggestions, and recommendations on where to visit next.

Details regarding necessary equipment and preparations for the workshop will be sent to the participant after the registration is successfully confirmed.

We are looking forward to meeting you all.

the team is ready!

Calling Destination Lovers !

Hello 2024! Destination shoots are now open for bookings!

Come on an adventure and explore breathtaking natural landscapes, charming urban settings, and enchanting hidden gems. Every image tells a story, and these are the stories of your journey, your love, and your lives. We always focus on creating a relaxed and comfortable environment for you to be yourselves, allowing your personalities to shine through naturally.


A tintype, also known as a melainotype or ferrotype, is a photograph made by creating a direct positive on a thin sheet of metal, colloquially called 'tin', coated with a dark lacquer or enamel and used as the support for the photographic emulsion. Tintypes enjoyed their widest use during the 1860s and 1870s, but lesser use of the medium persisted into the early 20th century and it has been revived as a novelty and fine art form in the 21st.

Hello Thesanren

One of the blisses that we found during this year is we discover more possibilities. 2024 marks the 9th year of Sanren. We’re proud that we’re still able to give more creativeness to this industry. Other than continue to strive more in wedding industry, we plan to put our first step in the field of education. In 6th of January 2022, we’ll be having our first workshop in Penang. Other than that, we have more plans in great year of 2024! We hope to inspire more. Thank you 2023. Hello 2024

director RAYSON LO // sanren photographer YANDHA GOH // ERIC NAH // SPENG // BRIAN LEE // HOIDIAN sanren videographer SONG // BII LO // HARIZ // JOANNA makeup artist JION CHONG // YANRU TAN .

FILMNEVERDIE ASIA Andy lim // asdfgraaf